The longest running comic book trivia series keeps moving forward. Each volume has over 100 unique questions that sets forth the history of one of the world's greatest creative mediums - with each question providing a brief history explaining the answers.
Read, study and commit to memory these moments in comic book history to become the reigning expert in your field. Impress your friends and colleagues alike with your truly aspired level of geekdom. Or at the very least - be the repository for all things comic book, even if only in your own mind!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 1
$6.95 Print - $2.99 Kindle
ISBN-10: 1481135937
ISBN-13: 978-1481135931
Comic books have become an iconic part of American culture. But how well do you know the history of this story-telling medium?
Here are over 100 factual trivia questions that not only ask the questions and give the answers, but provide history behind them! This is more than a trivia book - it is a resource for the true comic book aficionado!
Read, study and commit to memory these moments in comic book history to become the reigning expert in your field! Impress your friends and colleagues alike with your true aspired level of geekdom! Or at the very least - be the repository for all things comic book, even if only in your own mind!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia - Be There, Do That!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 2
$2.99 Kindle
ASIN: B0093XNJ12
The second volume of the highly coveted blueprint to the comic book world is here! If the first volume left you with more questions than answers (well, there should have been an equal number of both), then here is the next step in quenching your void of knowledge. Once again, Ron El delves into the multiverse to bring you over 100 questions from Marvel, DC and Independent comics to enlighten even the most hard-core comic book fan. And if you're only a noob? You'd better be picking this up to compete with the ones who are already a notch above you on the comic scale!
Let's face it, True Believe - You haven't seen anything yet!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 3
$2.99 Kindle
Who was voted to die with a margin of only 28 votes?
Who unmasked Spider-man by the sound of his heartbeat?
Where did J.R. Ewing go after he got shot?
All these questions - Well, maybe not the last one - and more are answered in the latest edition to Ron El's Comic Book Trivia series. These are the need-to-know facts about your favorite and lesser known characters in comics! If you have not read the previous two editions, run out and get them - because after this book, you will know there is still more out there that you don't know...
So what are you waiting for, True Believer! Complete your comic book trivia collection today!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 4
$2.99 Kindle
The trivia series that defines the comic world is back with a brand new volume - but only because three volumes just wasn't enough! Ron El returns to prove that there is still so much more to know about comic history - and so much more that has yet to be explored.
With over 100 new questions covering everything from the Golden Age of Comics through the New 52, what more could you ask for? A Volume 5, you say? Hold your horses, True Believer - one volume at time!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 5
$2.99 Kindle
We didn't write the comics,
We were always learning,
With the pages turning,
We didn't write the comics,
No, we didn't write 'em,
But we had to buy 'em.
Bought 'em, read 'em, and studied 'em - with five volumes now to draw on, you too can live the dream. Ron El returns for a fifth volume to guide you along the path. There is still more you don't know - but you should!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 6
$2.99 Kindle
Covering everything from the Golden Age's first masked superheroine to the modern era's New 52, this series continues to set forth the incredible and near infinite history of the comic book medium. As if over 500 questions in previous volumes were not enough, here are another 100+ questions to prove that there is still more you need to know if you seek to become the ultimate overlord of geekdom!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 7
$2.99 Kindle
The longest running comic book trivia series of all time is back with a seventh volume - everything from the origin of the first word bubble in comics all the way up to the first all-female team of X-men are here for your comic indulgence. If you have any hope of being the Lord Aficionado of your social geek clique, you need this book!
With a new appendix added for Dead Wrong answers, Ron El's Comic Book Trivia series just keeps getting better and better!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 8
$6.95 Print - $2.99 Kindle
ISBN: 1497468817
ISBN 13: ​978-1497468818
From Wolverine to the Man of Steel and just about everything in between, come celebrate the milestones of comic history in this eighth edition of the longest running comic trivia series of all time!
Inside the covers of this book, you can find over 100 entirely new trivia questions to rattle your brain and stump your friends. If you have already attained the seven levels of Nirvana, welcome to the secret eighth level! How can you possibly attain perfection without this book?
Read, enjoy and baffle your friends and enemies alike! Think of it like a quest - can you collect all the parts of the puzzle? Because rest assured - there's still more on the horizon...
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 9
$6.95 Print - $2.99 Kindle
ISBN: 1496196619
ISBN 13: 978-1496196613
After eight volumes, Ron El's Comic Book Trivia firmly cemented itself as the penultimate authority on comic book mythology - and now with themes covering Superman, Thor and even the Copper Age of Comics, Volume 9 continues the path to comic book mastery.
If you have not already impressed your friends beyond belief, this volume will certainly tip the balance!
Remember - this is your history, Comic Fans!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 10
$6.95 Print - $2.99 Kindle
ISBN: 1499324251
ISBN 13: 978-1499324259
The number 10 has been critically important throughout history. It is the core of the decimal system, and has represented everything from the base sexes to the symbol of the universe. And there could be no better number to represent this landmark volume for Ron El's Comic Book Trivia, especially as it marks 100 weekly online contests, as well.
This issue marks the second anniversary of the online contest as well as the publication of the series that contest has inspired. As always, the total realm of comics is explored in this edition, capped off this time with a legion of heroes - the Legion of Super-Heroes, to be precise. What better way to mark 100 contests?
So dive in, my fellow comicdom faithful - feast on this crowning volume, giving you collectively over 1000 questions and bits of history over the life of this series! And we are not even close to being finished with the journey...
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 11
$6.95 Print - $2.99 Kindle
ISBN: 1500626228
ISBN 13: 978-1500626228
Once more into the depths - of the nearly infinite vault of comic book history! If you have been here before, you know what to expect - only the best resource for comic book lore in existence. But if this is your first venture in - with ten prior volumes - you might just have some catching up to do!
With everything from the first Canadian superhero to a duck living in Cleveland because he fell off the road home, how can you possibly pass up the latest installment in this series? Let's face it - there are just some things in this world you need to know...
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia - the last, best hope against the loss of comic book mythology!
Ron El's Comic Book Trivia Volume 12
$2.99 Kindle - $7.99 Print
ISBN: 1502723352
ISBN 13: 978-1502723352
In comic books, the number twelve has its own unique value. Twelve is the number of issues published within a given year, and is the hallmark every year for the bonus issues known as annuals.
Well, this series may not have an annual, but that does not mean that we cannot have annuals in this volume. Of course, it is not all annuals - themed questions revolving around Spider-man, Superman and even the high-flying Angel are in here, too!
So what are you waiting for true believer! This series is only going to get better from here on out!